Mango Mood chronicles the story of Goa, and India, in its recent past, as retold by a bemused, yet indulgent, Goan. Using mostly gentle, sometimes hard-hitting, insightful, satire, it leads the reader through headline-grabbing incidents in recent times through the medium of 42 short satirical pieces. Like the King of Fruits whose soft exterior belies the hard core at the centre, the lighthearted rendition of front-page news in Mango Mood conceals pertinent comments on certain hard realities in our society. Besides, can there be a better symbol for Goa than the luscious, mouth-watering mango?
- All the pieces are infused with a signature sense of humour that ranges from witty to downright hilarious.
- Interesting commentary on everything quintessentially Goan
- This beach paradise history, Geogrphy, polity and society
- 40 interesting pieces
- 10 amazing illustrations and cartoons representing the punchline of each article.
- A tongue in cheek on a thriving tourist destination
- Light-hearted look at Goa its culture and society, its people and their peculiarities
- The tongue-in-cheek nature of the prose forms the soft, sweet casing that conceals within its confines pertinent observations on hard realities of our society
- Light-hearted and thought-stimulating at the same time.
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